Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lamentations of The Flame Princess Fillable Character Sheet

Hey folks.

You might have seen that Joe Dimech is girding his GM loins to kill a whole bunch of people on Blood Island. Given that he's going to be using the Lamentations of The Flame Princess rules as the basis for this FLAILSNAILS game, I've put together a LoTFP fillable character sheet, which is modded from James Raggi's original A4-size PDF. You can get it here:


Let me know if you encounter any problems, as it was a hasty job and I'm sure I fucked something up, somewhere.


  1. Pretty useful. Except you've broken most of the second page. Any entry filled in to encumbrance fills every box in encumbrance with the same entry. Languages and items do the same.
    That tab order is also kinda messed up.
    I'd fix it myself, but I haven't looked into fill-able PDF forms

    1. It's fixed now. Thanks. I'm not sure how I managed to put that up in such shitty condition.
