I was talking with +Adam Muszkiewicz and the rest of the Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad crew the other night, and talk drifted to the notion of alignment. We were trying to figure out, using DCC's Turn Unholy rules, whether or not a particular creature could be sent packing by one of our clerics. As it turned out, it could, but the roll was not successful. So, of course they just killed it the old-fashioned way.
Here's the thing: I've never really liked alignment. It's stupid. (Oh, look, now I'm reduced to calling it names like an 8 year old. What does that say about my alignment?) Here's why. We human beings have certain things about ourselves that we like to think of as permanent, intrinsic, and essential elements of our being. One just is a kind person. He just is a fucking bastard. Those things that one does are the things that one is. But that ain't really how it works.
We are what we are... for now. We have elements of personality that are relatively enduring, certainly, but those things don't much matter until they come into relationship with other things that exist in the world, independently of ourselves. So, one's "kindness" isn't something that one is. It's something that becomes consequential because of one's affiliation and interaction with someone else. One is kind to children and animals, for example, but a complete shit to... creatures that are not animals and children. He is a complete bastard, because he loves money more than he loves you.
So, Item the First: Alignment is a process and involves interactions with other people and things. It is about one's dispositions and motivations toward those people and things.
Also, when we speak of alignment (and this is explicit in the cleric and paladin classes), we're talking about culture. My culture. Your culture. That other guy's culture. I love my culture and wish to celebrate and preserve its awesomeness (lawful). I hate your culture and want to see it destroyed (chaotic). I'm not sure about that other guy's culture, but largely don't give a shit (neutral). Cultural belonging comes along with affiliations with other people, groups, and ideologies, taken as a package. It is filled with contradictions and nonsense, ludicrous ideologies asserted to be the bedrock of The Truth of Things.
Item the Second: Alignment is about affiliations with natural groups and ad hoc collections of people, artifacts, ideologies and other various manifestations of Culture.
Very importantly, culture has a past, a present, and pretensions toward a future. Consider that word, "pretensions." Something is poised, waiting, ready to tend toward some particular outcome. Alignment is about pretensions, expressed and/or internalized, that become the stuff of one's motivations. Motivations about the world and the people therein. Motivations concerning groups and people near and distant in geography and time. Motivations concerning one's place in the world, and whether or not that place is desirable and if it might be changed by some agent or agency. For example, if I am oppressed in some way, I am on some level cognizant of that whether as a well-measured and expressible manifesto or as a less expressible sense of well-being or outrage. It's a measure of one's desire to navigate the world, to act in ways that make sense to us and bring us closer to what we seek, for our own purposes.
Item the Third: Alignment is about one's motivations and how they are manifested toward particular ends, over some period of time.
Given that the motivations I reference above may result in words, deeds, or some other happenings in the world, they have the potential to have effects on oneself and on the world itself. Also, the expressions of our motivations tend to put us into relationships with various others in our worlds. What we do will come back to haunt us, for good or for ill or simply by chance. Others will do the same. The result of our actions is culture, as I've said, but it's also a very, very chaotic system, and natually productive of change and transformation. The world doesn't sit still, because we won't let it do so. We're constantly mucking about with it, and with each other, our actions causing waves or ripples or sinking without trace.
Item the Fourth: Alignment is changeable and is affected by things outside of oneself over one's life, to a greater or lesser extent. Much of this is outside of one's direct control.
Finally, alignment means that we are making moral judgments about the world. That thing is good, and that one bad. This makes my happy, and that makes me sad. Because we are positing a set of relationships between ourselves, each other, and the things (philosopical and material) that exist the world, we impose a moral framwork on those people, things, and happenings (and/or our beliefs about them). We work toward particular ends, sometimes with or against others. But we do so in a way that pursues whatever we consider to just, right, correct, or otherwise in sync with our particular outlook and idiom. We seek to express that outlook/idiom upon the world around us in ways that are thought to "improve" it.
Item the Fifth: Alignment concerns the righteous use of power.
Now, I guess it remains to figure out a way to express this as a mechanic. I'm not certain that needs to happen, however. Again, I will, as that's how I'm aligned, put this into the frame of narrative. This is the story of a particular character and his or her relationship to all of that stuff I just said. So, I'll drag one of my favorite theorists into this: Kenneth Burke, and American scholar of language and power. He developed something called the Pentad to unpack various linguistic expressions of what he called "motivations." His project filled several books, and has been subtle and or vague and/or contradictory in its genius to be more philosophy of approach than actual core, mechanical description of how language or psychology work. In the end, I'm not even sure if Burke "finished" that work. Nonetheless, it's useful here.
Burke's Pentad
Act: What happened.
Scene: The situation
Agent: Who did it.
Agency: How it was done.
Purpose: Why it was done.
Burke called this system, "dramatism," and for him it was an attempt to create connection between what was in the mind and how that was expressed in the world. It was his attempt to see how, in some sense, people turn their lives into stories and make sense of the world in the ways that language allows (i.e., by expressing a narrative of some kind with actors, scenes, agents, agencies, and purposes), in ways that are centered on the things that we care about (good or bad): The Neverending Story of the Eternal I.
A teacher of mine, Michael Calvin McGee, once told me that Burke's dramatism, indeed his whole approach to language, was his attempt to reconcile the works of Marx (political economy) and Freud (subjectivity), an intriguing notion and a daunting task. In any case, he did his best to think about how we are consciously/unconsciously motivated to do and express things in the world, and how we do so and think about doing so in ways prefigured by how we use language. Our use of language provides a more or less narrative structure to our understanding of lives and life-worlds.
Witness, for example, tabloid magazines or reality television. They take everyday activities and subject them to scrutiny, unpacking and examining the acts, circumstances, people, means, and purposes of everything from celebrity actors to child-prodigies of incredible redneckery to trophy wife/hosebeasts. Notice, however, these sorts of media not only "document the atrocities," if you will, but also frame them in ways that provoke us to adopt an attitude toward them. Honey Boo-Boo (I want to punch myself in the face for having typed that) is a child-prodigy of incredible redneckery. This is a facsimile of a person who exists in the world in particular ways. These ways may be similar or dissimilar to my own (Reveal: Not very similar). They may or may not provoke a reaction from me (Vague disgust and desire to become a Canadian citizen instead of living in Georgia). In any case, the depiction of this child (and it's a carefully edited and selective depiction of this child and her particular milieu), provokes a reaction in a lot of people. It may be disgust and anger, or maybe it's a sense of identification with the kid and her family. More importantly, it tells a story. That story provides a moral lesson, the current version of the medieval morality play, forcing each of use to pick a position, even if that position is "I don't give a shit. This stuff is stupid" (an expression of neutral alignment).
Also, it's important to notice how each one of us makes sense of his/her actions and their effects on the world. For example, many people tend to react to everything in the world as if it was specifically targeted at the person in question. That guy cut ME off in traffic! What a dick! Or, maybe we wonder why the weather would ruin OUR plans. Shit doesn't just happen. It happens to me. To make me happy or cause me grief. To afflict my enemies and aid my friends (or vice versa). It's about me, me, me, me, ME!
But how else is a person to view the world. We're all trapped in this awkward meatsacks, separated from each other, longing for connection, and we can only achieve such connection through the intercession of messy, imprecise, and inherently dangerous means of symbolic communication. So we simplify. We cut corners. We narrate order to the world, holding back the uncertainty with hardened ideology and pithy catchphrases, with fashion choices and iconic jargon, with friends and traditions, with all of those things that symbolize US and not THEM.
So, yeah, I think alignment is a bit more complicated than what we usually do with it. I don't have a hard and fast way to put your PCs in their boxes. I don't want one. I'd rather just keep a list. Start with a few things on that list that describe the character and his/her motivations, affiliations and enmities, and so forth. Then let the story make those more or less consequential as they come into play, or get pursued in some way. Keep track of that stuff. It will tell you how your character is aligned.
Oh, and about "alignment language"... *sigh* This makes very clear what I mean when I separate ontological "alignment" from narrative "alignment." Oh, I speak Chaotic Evil. What the fuck is that? Every person of a particular alignment just speaks this language because... what? That doesn't work. I have language because of culture, and subculture affects its particularity of application. For serious, an example: I don't speak with my droogies because of what I am, in terms of alignment. I govreet with these chellovecks because of the particular instance of nadsat culture we are part of. We like to crast pretty polly and engage in a bit of ultraviolence. Cross me, and the red, red kroovy will flow. There's your alignment language. Notice, though, that it's not about belong to an alignment group, but about aligning oneself with a set of particular others, with people, cultural trends, etc. That's what dynamic alignment is.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Make it Brudl
So, during the last session, we had a character death. Klaus the Thief was a promising lad. Klaus was devoured by a giant frog-thing. Sort of like this:
Very sad, but it spurred some conversation. It was the first actual character death we'd had in the Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad campaign. Yes, certainly we'd had deaths, but those were 0-level guys. They're supposed to die in job lots. That's what they do, mostly.
But leveled characters hadn't really had any hint of mortality. Except for Vane, of course. He's died like fifty times at this point, but he always manages to keep living. It's his special magic. And, as if to underline that point, Vane Barbute leveled after last session, becoming the first of our guys to reach 3rd level. Congratulations, Vane, now it falls to me to ensure that you have more things in your life that can actually kill you. I'm sure the other guys will understand.
+Wayne Snyder captured what's been wrong with this campaign very succinctly when he said that he expect the campaign to be more... brutal:
Wayne is absolutely correct. I'm a GM, not a cruise director. My job is to kill you bastards, not to have "fun" or give you room to "express yourselves" or whatever other sparkly bullshit might substitute for the brutality you deserve. So, starting today, my pretties, it's time for a New Way. A brutal way. Dare I say, a brudl way (because proper spelling is for pussies).
Here's what you can expect.
If I throw ponies at you, then the damned ponies are going to be carnivorous, lethal, and filled with murderous intent.
If it's kittens, then they will hug your faces with their wee claws and cutely impregnate you with a litter of Killer Kittens which will then claw their ways out of your stinking, filthy carcasses.
Every rainbow will be a Death Ray.
Every innocent child may look like this on the outside:
But you will soon realize their true natures.
You will have no safe havens. No places of rest. No joy that doesn't hold a hidden danger. No happiness that isn't on the jagged edge of madness and mayhem.
Because this the FUCKING METAL GODS OF UR-HADAD. It ain't Dragonlance! (not even dirtbag Dragonlance, though that was a really brilliant idea, +Jack Shear ) So none of this shit:
And a whole lot more of this shit:
Because this is Ur-Hadad, and even the butterflies (excuse me... BLOODERFLIES!) are totally fucking metal:
Thank you, and have a very metal day.
But instead of a mouse, the beast ate our Klaus.
Very sad, but it spurred some conversation. It was the first actual character death we'd had in the Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad campaign. Yes, certainly we'd had deaths, but those were 0-level guys. They're supposed to die in job lots. That's what they do, mostly.
But leveled characters hadn't really had any hint of mortality. Except for Vane, of course. He's died like fifty times at this point, but he always manages to keep living. It's his special magic. And, as if to underline that point, Vane Barbute leveled after last session, becoming the first of our guys to reach 3rd level. Congratulations, Vane, now it falls to me to ensure that you have more things in your life that can actually kill you. I'm sure the other guys will understand.
+Wayne Snyder captured what's been wrong with this campaign very succinctly when he said that he expect the campaign to be more... brutal:
Like cartoon violence, but with more blood and guts.
Wayne is absolutely correct. I'm a GM, not a cruise director. My job is to kill you bastards, not to have "fun" or give you room to "express yourselves" or whatever other sparkly bullshit might substitute for the brutality you deserve. So, starting today, my pretties, it's time for a New Way. A brutal way. Dare I say, a brudl way (because proper spelling is for pussies).
Here's what you can expect.
If I throw ponies at you, then the damned ponies are going to be carnivorous, lethal, and filled with murderous intent.
If it's kittens, then they will hug your faces with their wee claws and cutely impregnate you with a litter of Killer Kittens which will then claw their ways out of your stinking, filthy carcasses.
Every rainbow will be a Death Ray.
And it will come from a fucking panda!
Every innocent child may look like this on the outside:
But you will soon realize their true natures.
You will have no safe havens. No places of rest. No joy that doesn't hold a hidden danger. No happiness that isn't on the jagged edge of madness and mayhem.
Because this the FUCKING METAL GODS OF UR-HADAD. It ain't Dragonlance! (not even dirtbag Dragonlance, though that was a really brilliant idea, +Jack Shear ) So none of this shit:
Unicorns? Also carnivorous!
Sybian the Sexbot has a brutal past, you know.
Thank you, and have a very metal day.
All the urchins want to kill you, Vane.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
My Daughter's First RPG Book
So, my kid cleaned up at her end of year academic awards ceremony. She totally rocked it. As a reward for her hard work, I decided to buy her a copy of the RPG book of her choice. She's only 11 years old, so I figured I'd offer up OSRIC, Swords and Wizardry (Complete or Core Rules), Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperboria, and Lamentations of the Flame Princess Grindhouse Edition.
Yes, that last option is my little joke for you, +James Raggi. And to be truthful, I'm not one of those people who would freak out if my kid was interested in that fine product (which already is in my possession).
We looked at all of them and she decided she wanted the Swords and Wizardry rules. Since this is her first book, I figured the S&W Core Rules were probably the best option.
So, here you go. Lucy's first RPG book:
Kudos, kiddo! I'm very proud of you and hope you will be as successful an RPG geek as your dear old dad.
Yes, that last option is my little joke for you, +James Raggi. And to be truthful, I'm not one of those people who would freak out if my kid was interested in that fine product (which already is in my possession).
We looked at all of them and she decided she wanted the Swords and Wizardry rules. Since this is her first book, I figured the S&W Core Rules were probably the best option.
So, here you go. Lucy's first RPG book:
What? I can't hear you over this excellent retro cover.
Kudos, kiddo! I'm very proud of you and hope you will be as successful an RPG geek as your dear old dad.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Flexible Classes, Part 1: Unpacking Character Classes for DCC--Warrior and Wizard
In two earlier posts, here and here, I proposed an alternate
method for conceiving character classes. The system I had in mind while doing
this was Dungeon Crawl Classics, but I think this might be applicable to just
about any system, fantasy-based or not.
To review briefly my points from those earlier posts:
- You really only need two character classes: Fighter and Magic User.
- Additions to those characters could get you to the other classes simply by bolting on other capabilities.
- Those capabilities could be sorted into three axes: The Power Axis, the Skill Axis, and the Divinity Axis. These axes are bounded sets with terminal endpoints, and signify where the character gets damage-dealing powers, advanced skills, and connection to the Unseen World of gods, spirits, and so forth.
The Warrior in DCC isn't particularly versatile, but packs a
lot of great stuff into his or her relatively narrow area of expertise. Let's
lay it out for easy viewing:
d12 for
Hit Die—Warriors can take a lot of damage.
Attacks: Melee
attacks only.
Modifier: The Deed Die—The Warrior's deed die adds to the attack and damage
rolls, and can be used to invoke an attack with a special effect. The Deed Die
increases by one per level, up to d10. After that it gains +1 per level.
Warriors do not add their experience level to their attacks, but may add either
Strength or Agility modifier to their attacks (melee or missile).
Ability: Mighty Deed of Arms—This special attack is invoked with a roll of
"3" or better on the Deed Die.
Hits: Higher Critical Table & Enhanced Threat Range—The Warrior's
critical tables go from III to V and the die rolled on those tables starts at
d12 and goes to 2d20; The threat range starts at 19-20, increases at 5th
level to 18-20, and plateaus at 17-20 when he or she reaches 9th
Bonus: Warrior adds level to initiative rolls
bonus: Lucky weapon—The Warrior gets to pick a "lucky weapon" to
which to apply his or her Luck attribute modifier. This modifier will not
change thereafter, and goes both ways (positive and negative). Nice if you have
the Luck for it, but not really that great an ability.
Action Dice—Warriors
only get to make additional melee attacks using their Action Dice. They get an
extra attack with a d14 at 5th level which rises to d20 by 7th
level, and add another d14 attack at 10th level.
Saving Throws:
Fortitude increases the most quickly and Will the least quickly. Average increase
is about +0.5per level of experience, and top out with a +6, +4, and +3 among
the save categories. Warriors are Physically Tough, Dexterous, and Mentally
Tough, in that order.
Warrior gains no bonuses to common adventuring skills.
Now let's consider the Wizard in very much the same way:
d4 for
Hit Die—Wizards are very, very squishy.
Attacks: Spell
casting or melee attacks. Spell Casting: The Wizard can cast a
limited number of spells dependent on his/her level, modified by the Intelligence
modifier. He or she can learn more spells with additional experience levels.
Spells also can go very, very wrong, and are unpredictable in their outcomes. A
bad die roll can easily take out the spell caster and other party members. The
Mercurial Magic table can also cause particular spells to swing in a positive
or negative direction. However, when things go right, the Wizard could be a
one-person army, unleashing arcane powers of staggering potential to harm or
protect (sometimes at the same time).
Modifier—Wizards can add their Caster Level and Intelligence Modifier to
spell checks. They get a somewhat limited modifier of +1 to melee attacks at 2nd
level, which increases very slowly and tops at +4 at 10th level.
spell casting abilities are impeded by heavier armors.
Ability—Spell Burn: Wizards can tap into their Strength, Agility, and
Stamina attributes to add the "burned" ability score to spell checks.
These have a refresh rate of 1 point of Attribute score per day passed.
Ability—Supernatural Patrons: Wizards can bond with and call upon demons
and other powerful entities to enhance their abilities, to protect themselves
and allies, etc. Like spell casting, this ability can have potentially negative
Ability—Familiar: A Wizard can have a familiar and gain powers from it.
However, damage to the familiar damages the Wizard.
bonus: Wizards apply Luck modifier to rolls for magical corruption and
mercurial magic.
Dice: Wizards can use first action for either spell or melee rolls, but
subsequent action rolls may only be for spell casting. The action dice are
exactly the same as the Warrior.
Throws: Will saves increase the most quickly and Fortitude the least
quickly. Average increase is about +0.5per level of experience, and top out (as
the Warrior does) with a +6, +4, and +3 among the save categories. Wizards are
Mentally Tough, Dexterous, and Physically Tough, in that order.
Wizard gains no bonuses to common adventuring skills.
So, what have we learned about these classes, and how do
they apply to my proposed triaxial system? I'll do my best to fit what I've
learned into the axes. The results should be considered preliminary and
Power Axis
When it comes to the ability to do melee damage, the Warrior
is supreme. However, the Warrior's attacks are solid but mundane. However, when
you add the enhanced critical hit tables to the equation, the Warrior is a
monster—on Crit Table V, the d12 is the common bonus die for damage, and that
table often adds multiple d12. They are predictable and powerful.
In contrast, at the highest rolls the Wizard's 4th
level spell, Control Fire, can create magical fires doing 10d10 damage (or
more). At the very highest level of that spell, the range could be 1,000 cubic
yards and result in save versus death for any creature caught up in it. That's
absolutely devastating.
In comparison, the Warrior's Power tends to be much less
chaotic in its outcomes, as well. That might be an "effect" to
consider, later.
Also, Warriors tend to wear heavy armor while Wizards wear
little or none, making it likelier that a Warrior's fumble will prove
disastrous in melee combat. The Wizard's fumble, on the other hand, is usually
most disastrous in spell casting, and the results can be profoundly terrible.
Skill Axis
Warriors and Wizards get no bonuses on the Skill axis. While
all character classes can attempt to, for example, find traps, only Thieves are
granted significant, non-attribute-based bonuses to do so. This is somewhat
troubling for my three axes, as the Skill axis may be less useful than I
thought it would be, originally. However, if we look at the Unique Skills
listed above as "skills," then maybe they should be included here. So
what do they have.
Warrior gets the Deed Die. It's a very powerful thing, the
Deed Die, and can result in bonuses to attack and damage, and can be used to
produce unique, in-game effects. Some of those effects can produce significant
advantages in combat.
Wizards get familiars. Familiars are potentially powerful
creatures and can provide a variety of in-game bonuses, including hit point
bonuses. However, a dead familiar can literally kill a Wizard, who must take double
the hit points of his or her familiar in damage if it dies, up to 12 hp total.
On analysis, familiars are worth the risk, just barely.
Divinity Axis
The Warrior doesn't have anything on this axis.
Wizards get supernatural patrons. This can produce an
enhanced effect like a Deed Die, but (unlike the Deed Die) it cannot be relied
upon to function in every case. A missed Deed Die doesn't really have a
negative effect, per se. A failed attempt at Invoke Patron, on the other hand,
can result in magical corruption and patron "taint." The patron also
provides the ability to learn unique and potentially powerful spells.
I don't have enough data at this point to figure out if my
triaxial system is useful. I will need to look at the other DCC character
classes to be sure. Probably, I'll find that this system will need significant tweaks.
More on this later.
I also am starting to realize (actually confirming) that the DCC system is very, very chaotic. The ways dice work, especially with the Wizard class, are, frankly, dangerous. I think this does a great job of modeling their conception of magic, but it makes it harder for me to use the three axes without somehow including "Chaos" and "Predictability" as elements of the proposed system. That needs some thought.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Revised Faction Play System for DCC
Okay, here it is, as promised, the new, improved faction play system for DCC. It's still a little primitive, especially the Dice Game, but I think it's usable. If you use it, I'd been interested in hearing your thoughts, and any suggestions you might have.
for DCC
The Dice
Suits and
What They Mean
Card Faces
and What They Mean
How to Play
the Card Game
Play System for DCC
This rule set governs the development of a
stable of "garrisoned" PCs as a faction within the game world. These
rules suggest using a combination of player characteristics, dice, and playing
cards. The result will include strategic, tactical, and random effects on the
faction's in-game story. To be
clear, this game is used as a way to drive a background narrative to enhance
the game's adventuring core. It might also create opportunities write game
session/setting material as elements of faction play unfold in the minigame,
creating dramatic tensions between players and setting (including other
factions, resources, locales, and so forth).
This sort of faction play should be a feature
of DCC from the point where a funnel character levels the very first time. It
should be on players' minds for their PCs. It should help to drive the story of
the campaign, but from the perspective of the guys who got left behind in
garrison. This means it also gives you an excuse to have a “stable” of PCs at
various levels, to continue running zero level funnels, and more or less to
keep your pipeline of new and developing PCs flowing. Most importantly, it
should be fun.
It also requires some outlay on the part of
the players on behalf of their respective PCs. Being in a faction requires some
payment of dues. Each PC put into garrison will pay 10% of his/her monetary
treasure into the Faction Coffers.
This money is not the same as money they might spend on establishing a
residence or stronghold as part of domain play. It is, however, representative
of the money it takes to make things happen in the game world, once one has a
place in it. The players should keep track of how much is there. It is spent in
the Card Game. Each play in the Card Game requires 10% ante.
The highlights of the system include the
Use of the Garrisoned
PCs' Dominant Alignment to Determine Which Dice Are Used: Lawful garrisons
get 3d4, which provide a very strong central tendency to reflect their
conservative nature; Neutral garrisons get 2d6, which is the baseline; and
Chaotic garrisons use 1d6 + 1d6! (exploding d6), to represent dynamic change. Idea for Further Development: Set up a way to use character attributes and/or expertise
of PC "leaders" and experts/resource personnel.
The Dice Game: Roll the dice that
reflect the dominant alignment of the garrisoned PCs. The outcome determines
how many cards will be available to the faction in the Card Game.
The Card Game: Would you like to
play a game? The GM and a player who represents the faction play a hand of
cards. The outcome of the game tells a story about what happened to the Player
Faction. It provides options through which they can influence the background
for DCC
A player faction consists of all garrisoned PCs
in a given campaign. Even if a player leaves the campaign for a while, his or
her characters could contribute to the faction goals. These characters are
considered garrisoned, and thus are "on the shelf" until such time as
that player uses them again.
An NPC Faction is used in ways that are mechanically
identical to a player faction, but is controlled by the GM in the Faction Game.
The Card Game is where that interaction will play out.
All factions start off weak, but (if they
persist) grow in power. They add membership. Their ranks swell with veterans
and leaders. They add resources and assets. They become both more competent and
more visible. This means that they can attract the attention of other factions,
for good or for ill. The factions themselves are simply elements in a larger
storyline in which the PCs are involved. The GM and players both should develop
NPCs, factions, locales or interests as they develop that storyline.
What happens in the Card Game will tell as
story about the player faction, and it is up to the GM to scale such outcomes
to the faction in question. For example, a group of low-level PCs will be
dealing with people who take them seriously, but are not overawed or cowed by
them. That means the faction game will concern things that would conceivably
affect a group of low-level adventurers—e.g., things happening in their
neighborhood, rival factions of roughly similar power, NPCs who conceivably
would do business with them as equals, etc. In contrast, a higher level group's
faction play would likely deal with matters of consequence—e.g., regional and
global politics, nations and groups with which the First City interacts, and
NPCs who are very powerful and influential, princes, prominent religious
leaders, and mighty wizards. However, that is not to say that very powerful
people don't occasionally take notice of low-level types, just that it happens
rarely, and the effects of that notice usually play out through intermediaries
and catspaws.
The faction game begins with its first
subsystem: The Dice Game.
The Dice
This short dice game determines how many
options the player faction will have in the card game by adding/subtracting a
number of cards the base number of 7 cards. The player faction will play with
between 5 and 10 cards. The GM always plays with 7.
Determines Which Dice are Used
The first thing you have to worry about it
the dominant alignment of your group. For each character in garrison assign a
value based on alignment: Chaos (-1), Neutral, (0), or Law (+1), and add the
total. If the total is:
(+2 or higher) = Lawful (3d4)
(-1 to +1) = Neutral (2d6)
Net Negative (-2 or lower) =
Chaotic (d6+d6!)
rolls determine whether any additional cards are dealt to (or taken away from) the
player faction during the Card Game.
1: Number of Cards Used in Card Game
this is a very simple mechanic, and only based on one attribute of the PCs in
garrison. It could certainly be expanded at some point to model other factors,
based on class and attributes and so forth. However, there are other options to
make things interesting (see below, "Player Character Gifts and Flaws").
Option: Both PCs and GM
roll. GM should roll a d3 to determine Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic dice, and
then roll on Table 1.
now that we know how many cards the PCs will get, we can get straight to the
Card Game.
The Card Game
The purpose of this subsystem is to use the
information and outcomes generated in the first two subsystems to play out the
Faction's "moves" for that turn and, by doing so, to determine
"what happened" in a narrative sense during the Faction Turn.
The Card Game simulates the player faction's
attempt to use its resources to affect its immediate concerns. Those concerns
may be about particular factions and interactions with them, or they may relate
to things that are happening in the world that could affect the player faction.
It also allows the GM, as needed, to play against the players, assuming the
role of various factions and their subtle interactions with the PCs. This
interaction is necessarily abstract. If the players want to attack a particular
person in a faction that is a part of the role playing experience in the
regular DCC adventuring experience, then they have to do it in that game, not
this one. The outcomes of the Card Game are used to create the narrative
surrounding the faction.
In any given hand of the Card Game, you may
play as many cards as the GM has available. However,
each time you attempt to take a trick, you must expend 10% of the treasure in
the Faction Coffers.
Suits and
What They Mean
Hearts: The suit represents the clergy and
religious factions. It may also signify relationships, emotions, and diplomatic
influence. This may take the form of making friends, soothing enmity, advancing
one's own political position or undermining that of an enemy faction. It is the
exercise of power through personal charisma and established relationships.
Spades: The suit represents warriors wisdom and the
ability to overcome obstacles. It may signify strength, power and authority,
but also responsibility, violence and suffering. These may take the form of
your faction's abilities in the art of conflict and its resolution, and their
skill at using it in ways that can intimidate or dominate foes. It is the
exercise of power through authority and ability to overcome obstacles.
Diamonds: The suit represents the bourgeoise (the
merchants, artisans, and guildsmen), and worldly matters in general. It may
signify material resources, practical matters or obligations. This represents
the ability to do a variety of things including monetary investments, ability
to engage in mercantilism or trade, ability to secure specific material goods
and ensure their quality. It is the exercise of power through playing by the
rules as-written.
Clubs: The suit represents the common people
(laborers, peasants, slaves, and urchins). It may also
signify creativity or action, subterfuge, trickery, and the like: The resources
of the oppressed. It is the exercise of power by cheating.
Jokers: These are wild cards, and when they are
drawn they result in a die roll (d22). That roll tells you which trump card
comes up.
Card Faces
and What They Mean
to be very clear about this, the face of a card represents its value, and has
an effect in playing the Card Game. The highest card wins any trick.
Numbered Cards (2-10): are worth what they
say they're worth.
Face Cards (Jack, Queen, King): these cards
represent the values 11, 12, and 13, respectively, and are all higher than the
number cards in value. They also represent specific NPCs, and the ability to establish
or call on the favor of some person or group. Once Assumed by a faction, these
are called "Assets" (see
below, "The Assumption Game"). Face cards are ranked by social class
as well as by the suit of the card. The Jack of Clubs could be, for example, a
lower-level thug, fence, dealer, pimp, etc. The King of Diamonds could be the
richest slaver in Ur-Hadad, and the King of Hearts may be a prominent religious
figure. In any case, these are NPCs and playing that card means that you are
establishing some sort of relationship or playing one out, if already
established. The "classes" represented by the cards are relative to
the PCs. 1st Level guys are not
going to control Kings. Use this element of the game to tell a story about who
those NPCs are and what they do.
Aces: Ace beats any other card, and may be played
out of suit to beat any other card. This is a defensive maneuver. It stops
completely the other faction's move. The Ace valued at 14.
the cards have mechanical values, they also represent things like character
archetypes and narrative tropes. They "tell the fortune" of the
faction in ways that enable incorporation of new narrative elements and
development of existing storylines. These are explained below ("Outcomes
of the Faction Turn").
How to Play
the Card Game
The players Ante 10% of the treasure in the
Faction Coffers, plus 10% per extra card won in the Dice Game. [Note: The
players must contribute 10% of each PC’s monetary treasure each time he or she
is put into garrison status. This total is added to the Faction Coffers.
Option: The Ante is doubled and returned if the
player faction wins a trick in the suit of Diamonds while playing the Card
Deal a hand of seven cards each to GM and Faction. Based on the
outcome of the Dice Game, the players may have more or fewer than seven cards. The
other players work together to determine what cards are played and when.
Each side can choose, in addition, to hold
and/or play an Asset (i.e., an Assumed NPC) in its hand. These Assets are
virtual, in the sense that they exist in the hand, but do not preclude the same
card being drawn from the deck. It may be a Queen of Hearts, there's still a
Queen of Hearts in play.
Cards must be played in suit, when possible,
with the exception of Aces and Jokers, and any card representing an Asset. If
it is not possible to play in suit, any card except an Ace or Joker may be
played. This card is lost, and cannot win the trick.
All winning cards in a trick should be
recorded, and are considered "Active" in the final phase of the
Faction Game, when the cards are read.
and Reversed Cards
If the players win a trick, then the card
with which they won is Active and should be considered "Normal." If
the GM won the trick the GM's card is Active and should be considered
"Reversed." Keep track of which card won any trick and make note of
whether the result is Normal or Reversed.
the Card Game
Play continues until either the player
faction or GM is out of cards.
Some Strategies to Think About
Higher May
Not Be Better
While it may seem like "higher is
better" in terms of winning the Card Game, it's important to remember that
the cards will be given meaning later, after the hand plays out. Lower cards
can introduce interesting plot lines and ideas. It may well be that good
strategy in the Faction Game means trying to activate a lower face value card.
This can be accomplished by using an Asset.
"Assets" are cards "won"
in prior Faction Game rounds, and take the form of "court cards"
(e.g., Jack, Queen, King) that represent NPCs or other resources. Assets can
substitute their own value in favor of another card played, and can be played
out of suit. That is, a faction could play a 2 of Clubs (a relatively weak card
signifying planning and preparation) and also play the Queen of Hearts (value
of 12) which would represent a relatively powerful member of the clergy. This
may be an NPC cleric known to the faction. For the endgame, both cards are
considered Active, and they are linked to each other (e.g., Maybe the storyline
is about how a priestess at the Metal Gods' temple helped in planning something
at which the player faction was victorious). Both cards are played at the same
time, and treated as one card. The Asset card is "virtual" in the
sense that it is imaginary. The same card still exists in the deck and can be
drawn normally, and does not necessarily represent that particular Asset.
The GM and Players play their hands against
each other, starting with the player faction. After that, the person who won
the last hand goes first.
The ace is the most powerful card. It can be
used to do the following:
beat any card played. It can be played out of suit to do so.
Assume a court card (e.g., Jack, Queen) in any suit, and a King in its own
cancel another ace. The last ace played counts, and cancels any previous ace.
Reverse a Trump's meaning.
the "reading" phase it represents the ability to introduce a new
storyline and/or faction.
The players and GM must play any Jokers held at
the start of the first turn.
a Joker means that a Trump card will be put in play. Any Trump played is
considered Active, just like the winning card in a trick, and will affect the
final outcome of the Faction Game.
both players and GM have Jokers, one Trump is played, but the result is
considered Reversed in meaning.
the players hold both Jokers, then roll twice for Trumps, as outlined below.
One of those Trumps is Normal and one is Reversed. Players choose which is
Trump cannot be affected by any other cards. Once it is determined whether the is
reversed or not, roll d22 to find out which Trump card has been revealed (see
table). An Ace can be sacrificed to Reverse, as well. Any double Reversal
reverts to Normal.
The Assumption Game
Whenever a court card is played, it is
possible that the card will be Assumed by the player faction or the GM, and
become an Asset. By playing an Ace on a face card the players
"Assume" the face card played by the GM (or the GM Assumes the card
played by the players). However, a King can only be assumed by an Ace in its
own suit. So, an Ace of Clubs cannot Assume a King of Diamonds, only an Ace of
Diamonds can.
Any NPC gained by Assumption becomes an Asset
for the faction that won it.The winner takes that card to name an NPC
appropriate to the suit. If an Ace has been used to Assume the card, it becomes
an Asset to an existing faction. Otherwise, the player faction or GM use that
as an opportunity to create a new faction or NPC. This new figure or faction
may be aligned against the players' faction, but may also be neutral toward
them (but is nonetheless a new power in their domain).
Determining the Outcomes of Faction
After the GM lays down his or her last card,
the Card Game is over. At the end of play, all Active cards will be
"read" to determine the fortunes of the Faction. Essentially what
we're doing here is a stripped down tarot reading. I've included several tables
to help you figure out how to read the cards, but there are lots of resources
online if you need more.
the Cards
The use of the tarot form for this reading
results in a "fortune" of sorts. It is up to the players and GM to
make sense of it out of the framework provided by the Active cards. For each of
the cards activated by the player faction, the players get to control that
storyline. For the cards activated by the GM, he or she gets to develop the
storyline. We can assume that, in many cases, the interests of players and GM are
opposed, and that the GM uses control of story lines to set up obstacles and
threats, or thwart plans, or otherwise to raise the level of dramatic tension. The
players, on the other hand, use the story to resolve or modify existing
obstacles and threats, to hatch new schemes, to establish new resources or
relationships, and otherwise to enhance their power and influence.
However, the story need not be only about the
opposition between GM and player. It can also present opportunities for adding
things to the game world that are useful, fun, dangerous, weird, or otherwise
interesting to players and GM. Don't make it about head to head competition if
you don't want to. Cooperate in all cases to establish a story that is fun for
the group and helps players to get a better sense of their characters and the
campaign world.
The elements of the cards you need to pay
attention to are the Suits and the Faces, each of which helps to establish the
meaning of the card. The Suits are about the card's domain of power or action
(see Table 2).
Table 2:
General Meanings of Card Suits
General Meanings
Emotions, feelings,
relationships, diplomacy
communication, canniness, power
material world, sensibility
Creativity, action,
deviousness, cunning
cards' faces tell you the specific function of the card within each Suit's
domain (see Table 3).
Table 3:
Values and General Meanings of Card Faces
General Meanings
Ace (14)
of Becoming
Jack (11)
NPC (underclasses)
Queen (12)
(working classes)
King (13)
(ruling classes)
These are very general themes that tell us
something about what the Suits and Faces of the cards mean, but are very
general. Below, there is a more comprehensive (but still simplified) table that
combines Suits/Faces (Table 4) At the back of this document, you will find a
longer table with all cards (including the Trumps), with both Normal and
Reversed meanings of the cards (Table 5). Use these as you please. Sometimes the
meanings attached to a card in the different tables are not exactly the same,
but that's because of differences in the source material (i.e., whatever I
found in a Google search). However, I also discovered that, in many cases, even
people who know a lot about the theory of divination still don't agree on
exactly what the cards mean. Don't worry. Just pick what makes the most sense
and run with it.
Player Character Gifts and Flaws
The storyline development step of the faction
game also can be used to create specific ties between the PCs in the player
faction and develop their specific connections to the game world. This is a
fairly simple matter, and is similar to the Aspects mechanic of the FATE system from Evil Hat Games, and
other systems like SFX! (from Joshua
Macy) that use story-telling or cinematic "scenes," constructing them
from archetypes, tropes, "shticks," or other cinematic/narrative cues
for particular varieties of people and the things they do, common situations
and topics, etc. By using these the faction game is a tool for developing the
meta story of whatever else happens when the PCs are off adventuring, but
doesn't have the same kinds of goals or consequences (e.g., killing monsters,
getting loot, getting wounded or killed) as the game mechanics used while
adventuring. However, the faction game serves to provide players and GM with a
sense of the PCs' connection to the game world and the things and people in it,
so it's important to develop specific points where those connections can be
made. How does that work?
At the very beginning of the faction game (at
1st level, in most cases), each player needs to figure out some
character background for each of his or her PCs. Ideally, it will be something
that has already occurred in gameplay, but that's not necessary. For each level
of the character, he or she will select one Gift and one Flaw. These
are narrative elements that add flavor to that PC's story or personality. A
gift might be additional background or it might be some unique trait, and could
be anything from "He's the eighth son of a minor noble," to
"She's good with knives," to "She was a cook in the Grand
Vizier's palace before she took up adventuring." It literally could be
anything that reflects a potential resource or obstacle. And, at each new
level, a PC should choose an additional Gift and Flaw. When the players and GM
read the player faction's "fortune" they may attempt, as much as
seems reasonable, to make connections between the emerging story line and the
PCs' Gifts/Flaws.
Example Gifts/Flaws
Vane Barbute (2nd Level Warrior),
one of the characters in the Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad campaign, might select,
"Never says no to a good time" and "Has a soft spot for street
kids," for his flaws. For his gifts, he might have "Balls of Steel"
(because he is fearless… and because he cuts off enemies' balls and keeps them
as trophies), and "In the thick of things" (because he literally charges
into battle without hesitation or forethought).
Such Gifts and Flaws are something that the
GM can use in the Card Game to connect the emerging story lines to one or more
of the PCs. These emerging storylines are happening because of (not despite) the PCs' backstory. The Gifts/Flaws might
also be used by the player faction to alter or subvert the GM's story line.
Likewise, the GM also might use the PCs' Gifts/Flaws to create drama between a
particular PC and some element of the storyline when he or she controls the
Example Use of Gifts/Flaws
Let's say that GM or players wish to use Vane
Barbute's Gift, "Has a soft spot for street kids." This would make
sense if one of the Active cards being read is the Jack of Clubs, which is an
lower-class NPC. Perhaps this means that Vane has befriended the members of a
local street gang. Now the player faction can draw upon the gang (or its
leader) because Vane is in garrison. Option: The NPC could be attached to a
particular character and only available when that character is in garrison.
Alternately, the NPC becomes universally available to the player faction,
regardless of which PCs are in garrison.
In any case, this faction play game is simply
a tool. There is no "right" way to use the framework it provides.
Compete, cooperate, do both, whatever. Just have fun doing it, and try not to
be a dickhead.
Tables follow, below.
Table 4:
Simplified Table of Cards and Their Meanings
New friendship, romance
New insights, realizations
New project, job, home, win
New idea, business, action
Deepening attraction
Failure to communicate
Juggling resources, waiting on results
Planning and preparation
Joy in company, friendship, celebration
Miscommunication, misunderstanding
Teamwork, improving skills
Leadership, exploration
Turning inwards, apathy
Recuperation, recovery, contemplation
Miserliness, possessiveness
A goal achieved, rest from action
Loss, despair
Discord, dishonor, hollow victory
Loss of possessions or job or money
Competition, disagreement, irritation
Childhood, nostalgia, good memories, an old friendship resumes
Moving on, travel, mentally getting to a better place
Giving or receiving money, a pay-rise, obtaining resources
Victory, achievement, passing exams
Daydreaming, wishful thinking, choices
Lying, deceitfulness, theft, irresponsibility
Reassessment, turning point, mild dissatisfaction
Defence, conviction, strong belief
Emotional detachment, leaving love behind, making a hard choice
Illusion of being trapped, powerlessness
Paying attention to detail, focus, practice
Organization, moving quickly, pregnancy
Satisfaction, sensual pleasure, spiritual growth
Nightmares, problems, worry, guilt
Independence, self-reliance, increasing wealth
Continuing a battle, endurance, physical strength
Contentment, fulfilment, joy, family
Giving up, victim, martyrdom
Great wealth, family property, inheritance
Carrying burdens, responsibility, debt
Falls in love easily, romantic, chatterbox
Rebel, fights for a cause, intellectual, political
Reliable, hard-working, quiet, hidden depths
Unreliable, hotheaded, risk taker, athletic
Emotional, dependent, empathic
Sharp, intelligent, ruthless, insightful, organized
Practical, warm, dependable, motherhood
Energetic, career-minded, untidy, disorganized
Wise, tolerant, diplomatic, feeling, patient
Introspective, ethical, communicator, stern
Self-made, business owner encouraging, enjoys the fruits of his
labors, jolly
Creative, forceful, entrepreneurial charismatic, hot-tempered
Table 5:
Extended Table of Cards and Their Meanings (Including Trumps)
predict emotional connection, relationships, etc.
Reversed Meaning
beginning of love, joy, beauty, or good health, a new relationship.
to accept the things that come from the heart, love under a selfish
grasp, egotism
A new
romance, a well balanced friendship is beginning, harmony, cooperation
A loss
of balance in a relationship, a violent passion, love turning
bad, a misunderstanding
A good
fortune in love, a happy conclusion, unknown talents are discovered, a
sensitive and sympathetic person, hospitality
gossip, unknown talents remain hidden, overindulgence
a dissatisfaction with success, kindness may come from others
relationships possible, new goals, new ambitions, action
loss of a loved one, a broken marriage, disillusionment, vain regret
of hope, new relationships are beginning, return of a loved one, courage is
summoned from within
A gift
from a childhood acquaintance, happiness and pleasure brought from the past,
good memories, a new friendship, a gift from an admirer, new opportunities
in the past, outworn friendships, disappointment
long-worked imagination, unable to choose one's direction in life, illusory
A good
use of determination, will-power, a definite path will be chosen
abandonment of one's current path in life, disappointment in love, misery and
repining without cause, desire to leave one's success for something higher
for pleasure, seeking joy or success, a new love interest
assured future, physical well-being, a wish may come true
A lack
in money, overindulgence, illness, a wish may not come true
A happy
family life, true friendships, lasting happiness
A family
quarrel, loss of a friendship, children may turn against their parents, waste
romantic dreamer, the coming or going of an emotional matter
fraud, sensuality, idleness, an untruthful person
out-ways one's common sense, a good wife or loving mother, happiness, gentle,
a good natured person
fraud, sensuality, idleness, an untruthful person
out-ways one's common sense, a good wife or loving mother, happiness, gentle,
a good natured person
over-active imagination, perverse, pleasure and happiness may turn
predict aggression, force, ambition, courage, strife, misfortune
Reversed Meaning
of a victory, ability to love and hate with ardor, a valiant leader may be
when trying to use power to gain an ending, obstacles, tyranny
balanced emotions are needed, indecision, trouble ahead, in need of direction
beware when dealing with the unscrupulous
may experience "stormy weather", lovers separated, possible civil
confusion, loss, sorrow due to loss
after strife, retreat, temporary exile, a change back to the "active
activity, social unrest, labor strikes
defeat, cowardliness, cruelty, an empty victory
lesser chance of loss or defeat, an empty victory, unfairness in dealings
journey, passage away from sorrow, harmony will prevail
will be postponed, no way out of present obstacles or difficulties
unwise attempt, unreliability, betrayal, insolence, spying, possible failure
help is given, good advice, counsel, stolen items are returned
action, indecision, censure, temporary illness, weakness, a prisoner
new beginnings possible, freedom
doubt, desolation, illness, injury, death of a loved one, suspicion, cruelty,
misery, loss, dishonesty, pitilessness, slander
over time, unselfishness, patience, good news of a loved one
misfortune, ruin of plans, defeat, failure, pain and tears
forces are overthrown, courage, some success, better health
headlong rush into life, a strong man, bravery, a skillful and clever person,
an unexpected coming or going of a matter
a troublemaker, a crafty and secretive person
A quick
and confident decision, a widow, one who can bear their sorrow
due to keen observations, a sly and deceitful person, narrowmindedness, a
judge, a powerful commander, a firm friendship holder but often overcautious,
a wise counselor
intentions, an obstinate person, decisions or judgments may seem unfair
predict money, industry, and material gain
Reversed Meaning
A new
business venture, the beginning of prosperity, beginning of happiness or
greed or misery, money may not be everything
ability to handle multiple situations, harmony is maintained during change,
new projects may be difficult, expect a helpful message
with handling problems, expect a discouraging message
for skills or abilities, approval, success through effort
in workmanship is neglected, good work is expended due to a
preoccupation with money, common place ideals or ambitions
Love of
power or money, a lack of give-and-take, miserly or ungenerous nature
earthly possessions may be lost, obstacles or delays in business affairs, a
destitution, loss of possessions, poor health, despair due to spiritual
employment, revived courage, a new interest
of prosperity, one will soon receive what is rightfully theirs, charity,
gifts, philanthropy, three-fold
unfairness, prosperity is threatened, jealousy, miserliness
and hard work will cause growth, a pause during development, reevaluations
progress, impatience, anxiety, investments may be unprofitable
a trade or profession, employment is coming soon, skill, handiwork, small
money gain
are not being used properly, a dislike of hard work, ambition is void
things in life are enjoyed alone, solitude, a green thumb
Loss is
possible, danger from thieves, caution
family, gain in wealth, property is acquired
misfortune, caution, mind is dull, slothfulness
a heavy and dull outlook, patience, accepting of responsibilities, an animal
lover, a nature lover, the coming/going of a matter
impatience, timidness, carelessness, a standstill in affairs
thoughtfulness, a creative person, talents are used well, melancholy
much dependence, neglected duties, mistrust, suspicion, not a very creative
A chief
of industry or a banker, a reliable person, a married man, solid, steadiness
slow to anger, 'head is on the ground", bribes
predict energy, growth, enterprise, animation, and glory.
Reversed Meaning
creative beginning, a new business venture, a profitable journey, an
inheritance, a new career, a birth in the family
may spoil the venture, setbacks for a new enterprise, a journey may be put
off, a lack of determination
A kind
and generous person, an interest in science, patience, creative ability,
courage, good things to come
is advised against impatience, a possible domination by others
cooperation in business affairs, trade and commerce, success brought by a
good partnership, practical help may come from a successful person
tendency to scatter energies, mistakes are made through carelessness,
disappointment, caution against pride and arrogance
The beauty
of the harvest home, perfected work, prosperity, peace, celebration after
labor, end of romance in marriage, happy holidays to come
to appreciate the little things in life, beauty of nature, peace, harmony
possibility of a lawsuit or quarrel, obstacles, courage
new opportunities, generosity
news, victory, success after labor, helpful friends, leadership during
are delayed, postponed trip, bad news, an insolent winner, pride in
ability to "hold one's own" against adversaries, stiff competition
in business, a fight won, a fight one may have to face soon, victory, energy,
threat will pass by, don't let others take advantage, caution against
indecision, patience
A Goal
is approaching, new ideas, a journey by air, love will find its mark, love of
open air, gardens, meadows
violence, quarrels, domestic disputes, a force of courage or boldness is
applied to suddenly
eventual victory, good health, strength in reserve, tendency to obstinacy
refusal to fight, weakness in character, ill health, bending over adversity
oppressive load, pain, all plans or projects ruined, complete failure
energy, a desire to ruin the happiness of others, a clever person
impetuous nature, generous friend, a lover, haste, a journey, the coming or
going of a matter is of much concern
work interrupted, jealousy, narrow-mindedness, suspicion, the journey is
woman, fondness of nature or of the home, attraction, command, someone who is
well liked or honorable
domineering, a jealous and revengeful nature, deceit, infidelity
gentlemen, father, passionate, generous, noble, a good leader
unyielding, strict, intolerance, prejudice, quarrels
Roll d22 for Trump Card
Roll d22 for Trump Card, Reversed
(The Magician)
creativity, skill, will-power, self confidence, dexterity, sleight of hand
in will, insecurity, delay, no imagination
(The High Priestess)
knowledge, learning, intuition, purity, virtue, a lack of patience, a teacher
lack of understanding, selfishness, shallowness
(The Empress)
development, accomplishment, mother/sister/wife, evolution
inaction, lack of concentration, indecision, anxiety, infidelity
(The Emperor)
confidence, wealth, stability, leadership, father/brother/husband,
achievement, a capable person
indecision, feebleness, petty emotions, lack of strength
(The Hierophant)
need to conform, social approval, bonded to the conventions of society
unorthodoxy, an inventor
(The Lovers)
harmony, trust, honor, the beginning of a romance, optimism, a meaningful
separation, frustration in love, fickleness, untrustworthy
(The Chariot)
a journey, a rushed decision, adversity, turmoil, vengeance
defeat, failure, last minute loss, vanquishment
courage, conviction, energy, determination, action, heroism, virility
pettiness, sickness, tyranny, lack of faith, abuse of power
(The Hermit)
inner strength, prudence, caution, vigilance, patience, withdrawal,
annulment, a loner
hastiness, rashness, foolish acts, immaturity
(The Wheel of Fortune)
fortune, a special gain, an unusual loss, end of a problem, unexpected
events, advancement, progress
bad luck, interruption, outside influences, bad fate, unexpected events
balance, equality, righteousness, virtue, honor, advice, a considerate person
false accusations, intolerance, unfairness, abuse
(The Hanged Man)
change, reversal, boredom, abandonment, sacrifice, readjustment, improvement,
to make an effort, false prophecy, useless sacrifice
making way for the new, unexpected change, loss, failure, illness or death,
bad luck
immobility, slow changes, a narrow escape, cheating death
temperance, patience, harmony, fusion, good influence, confidence
conflict, disunion, hostility, frustration, impatience
(The Devil)
weird or strange experience, downfall, unexpected failure, controversy,
violence, disaster, an ill-tempered person
release, handicaps are overcome, enlightenment
(The Tower)
sudden change, abandonment of past, ending a friendship, unexpected events,
disruption, bankruptcy, downfall, loss of money or security
old ways, a rut, entrapment, caught in a bad situation, imprisonment
(The Star)
faith, inspiration, optimism, insight, spiritual love, pleasure, balance
hopes, disappointment, dreams are crushed, bad luck, imbalance
(The Moon)
trickery, disillusionment, error, danger, disgrace, double-dealing
is discovered before damage can be done, trifling mistakes, taking advantage
of someone
(The Sun)
accomplishment, success, love, joy, engagement or a happy marriage
loneliness, canceled plans, broken engagement or marriage, a clouded future,
a lack of friends
judgment, the need to forgive, rejuvenation, rebirth, improvement,
development, promotion, efforts are rewarded
disappointment, indecision, procrastination, theft, worry
(The World)
perfection, recognition, honors, the end result, success, fulfillment,
triumph, eternal life
lack of vision, disappointment
(The Fool)
beginnings, new adventures, new opportunities, unlimited
possibilities, pleasure, passion, thoughtlessness, rashness
A bad
decision, indecision, apathy, hesitation, a faulty choice
to Read Tarot with Playing Cards
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